• A Modern Approach to Design.

    Epsilon is a modern, sectioned based design, with a diverse infusion of background textures and patterns. These enrich and differentiate your site whilst maintaining an overall conservative approach, for flexible site application. Read More
  • Background Slideshow

    Epsilon provides for full width, custom, transitional background images, in the slideshow position, a full width container, specifically designed for RokSprocket's Features layout. It also has separate options for per panel background and content images. Read More
  • Custom Animation

    Animation provides an extended layout of visual flair as well as smooth interaction for your visitors, to facilitate the seamless experience of using your site. RokSprocket Features benefits from a custom, per-panel array of up to 16 animation types. Read More
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    CNR ISE Epsilon provides for full width, custom, transitional background images, in the slideshow position, a full width container, specifically designed for RokSprocket's Features layout. It also has separate options for per panel background and content images. Read More
  • A Modern Approach to Design.

    Epsilon is a modern, sectioned based design, with a diverse infusion of background textures and patterns. These enrich and differentiate your site whilst maintaining an overall conservative approach, for flexible site application. Read More
  • Custom Animation

    Animation provides an extended layout of visual flair as well as smooth interaction for your visitors, to facilitate the seamless experience of using your site. RokSprocket Features benefits from a custom, per-panel array of up to 16 animation types. Read More
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  • Custom Animation

    Animation provides an extended layout of visual flair as well as smooth interaction for your visitors, to facilitate the seamless experience of using your site. RokSprocket Features benefits from a custom, per-panel array of up to 16 animation types. Read More
  • Background Slideshow

    Epsilon provides for full width, custom, transitional background images, in the slideshow position, a full width container, specifically designed for RokSprocket's Features layout. It also has separate options for per panel background and content images. Read More
  • A Modern Approach to Design.

    Epsilon is a modern, sectioned based design, with a diverse infusion of background textures and patterns. These enrich and differentiate your site whilst maintaining an overall conservative approach, for flexible site application. Read More
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  • A Modern Approach to Design.

    Epsilon is a modern, sectioned based design, with a diverse infusion of background textures and patterns. These enrich and differentiate your site whilst maintaining an overall conservative approach, for flexible site application. Read More
  • Background Slideshow

    Epsilon provides for full width, custom, transitional background images, in the slideshow position, a full width container, specifically designed for RokSprocket's Features layout. It also has separate options for per panel background and content images. Read More
  • Custom Animation

    Animation provides an extended layout of visual flair as well as smooth interaction for your visitors, to facilitate the seamless experience of using your site. RokSprocket Features benefits from a custom, per-panel array of up to 16 animation types. Read More
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  • Custom Animation

    Animation provides an extended layout of visual flair as well as smooth interaction for your visitors, to facilitate the seamless experience of using your site. RokSprocket Features benefits from a custom, per-panel array of up to 16 animation types. Read More
  • Background Slideshow

    Epsilon provides for full width, custom, transitional background images, in the slideshow position, a full width container, specifically designed for RokSprocket's Features layout. It also has separate options for per panel background and content images. Read More
  • A Modern Approach to Design.

    Epsilon is a modern, sectioned based design, with a diverse infusion of background textures and patterns. These enrich and differentiate your site whilst maintaining an overall conservative approach, for flexible site application. Read More
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    The MEG at the Water Research Institute (CNR-IRSA) in Verbania investigates the ecology and the interactions between microbes and small organisms in waters and in other environments. The MEG applies the general ecological theory to understand microbial environments and their evolution.

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    A number of environmental factors shape the microbial community and influence the social behaviour of bacteria in waters. We are interested in community ecology, cooperation, symbiosis, and in the impact of allochtonous factors in shaping communities.

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    A number of research projects for postdoc, phd, and master students, as well as short research stays are running at the MEG, from antibiotic resistance to epi- and endobiotic bacteria, from cave ecosystems to spiders, from freshwaters to the human gut... If you want to work with us check the Open Positions page or send us an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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    We describe species and population diversity in the phylum Rotifera trying to understand the evolutionary processes originating and maintaining such diversity.

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    Through a number of cooperations the MEG is investigating organisms, species and communities in polar areas, in high mountain lakes in the Alps in Italy and Switzerland, in Central America, in Patagonia, in Polynesia, in the Azores, and in pristine areas in the Mediterranean Sea.

    The development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms is a major threath for human health. We study the spread of resistances in bacterial communities in open waters, in WWTPS, in animals, soils, and crops. Through experimental systems, in situ studies and modelling we study the role of antibiotic resistance as a specific ecological factor able to shape the natural microbial communities.

    (read more)


Latest News from the group: New articles, projects, collaborations and general news from the MEG. Click on the any News to access the related content, or HERE for the NEWS ARCHIVE.


1/11/2023 New post-doc and post graduate positions availabe at the MEG! Find out more on topics and deadlines on our "OPEN POSITIONS" page!


27/09/2024 A new paper by Diego in Nature Communications on the drivers of species richness and diversity in marine benthos Seasonality of primary production explains the richness of pioneering benthic communities.


31/7/2024 Diego and Fabrizio are coauthors of a paper in Nature on dynamics of biodiversity in front of retreating glaciers ""The development of terrestrial ecosystems emerging after glacier retreat"".


20/8/2024 An interview with Stefano on New Scientist Stefano interview by Aisling Irwin is out on New Scientist: "Why the underground home of the world’s weirdest wildlife is in danger"..


16/8/2024 An episode of the ParAqua Podcast with Ester Ester was interviewed by Joe Money for the podcast of ParAqua, a COST Action on zoosporic parasites in aquatic systems.


14/5/2024 Alejandro has collaborated in the documentary movie "Acuanautas bajo el volcán", emitted at the Spanish National TV. The movie forecasts the results of Projecto Subatlántida, led by Dr. Javier Lario (UNED, Spain), which focused on the geology of the Túnel de la Atlántida in Lanzarote—The longest underwater lava tube known in the world.


12/12/2023 The second paper by MEG people in the first issue for 2024 in Global Change Biology, by Diego and coauthors! "Local climate modulates the development of soil nematode communities after glacier retreat"


12/12/2023 Two new papers by MEG people in the first issue for 2024 in Global Change Biology! The first one by Stefano, David, Alejandro and coauthors "Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem"


12/12/2023 A new article is out by K. Hyde, our Laura Garzoli and more than 550 scientists, in Mycosphere! "Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa".

MEG Twitter

Follow the MEG on Twitter The MEG is twitting @meg_verbania, follow us and keep updated on the latest news from the MEG!

MEG Scholar page online!

MEG Scholar page online Keep informed on our group published articles by clicking here or following us on Scholar!

MEG Running Projects



Joint JPI Acquatic Pollutants 2021-24 SPARE-SEA: Environmental Spread and Persistence of Antibiotic REsistances in aquatic Systems Exposed to oyster Aquaculture. Italian Coord. G. CornoPartners: AWI Kiel, IFREMER Montpellier, Uni Genoa, IRTA Terragona
CIPAIS 2024-26

CIPAIS 2024-26

A large monitoring project of Lake Maggiore, co-funded by Italy and Switzerland. We periodically measure the bacterial resistome, TEP, phyto- and zooplankton diversity in the lake. Ref. G. Corno and D. Fontaneto


Marie Curie Fellow 2021-24 REDTEAR: The Role of free Extracellular DNA in determining The Environmental Antibiotic Resistome. Resp. A. Di Cesare, Graphic Courtesy: A. Dell'Anno
LTER Lake Maggiore

LTER Lake Maggiore

Within the frame of the project LTER we measure bacterial abundances and microbial community composition of Lake Maggiore. Ref. R. BertoniPartners: LTER net
ECOTREAT Project 2022-24

ECOTREAT Project 2022-24

Lets ECOLOGY play its role! We are designing a new final treatment of urban wastewaters without any chemical nor physical disinfection! Ref. G. Corno Partner: Acqua Novara.VCO
WARFARE Project 2019-22

WARFARE Project 2019-22

Novel wastewater disinfection treatments to mitigate the spread of antibiotic resistance in agriculture. Funded by Cariplo Foundation. Ref. G. Corno and A. Di Cesare Partners: Uni Genova, Uni Milan, Padania Acque
DARKEST 2021-2023

DARKEST 2021-2023

Dark Estuaries: Mapping coastal aquifer biodiversity in a changing world PI: David Brankovits Partner: ZMT
Biodiversa+ DarCO

Biodiversa+ DarCO

DarCo seeks to promote the conservation of subterranean ecosystems across Europe PI: Stefano Mammola
AQST Project Lake Varese 2019-23

AQST Project Lake Varese 2019-23

Large project of restoration of polluted Lake Varese funded by the Lombardy Governement. We study pathobiome and resistome of the area. Ref. G. Corno
PELAGICS Project 2020-24

PELAGICS Project 2020-24

A Pan-European network on 70 lakes for stable cultivation, whole-genome sequencing and terabyte-scale deep-metagenomic sequencing to obtain 1000s of genomes of pro-, eukaryotes and viruses. Ref. C. Callieri
IdeARG Project 2022-24

IdeARG Project 2022-24

PRIN 2020 Project: Identification and isolation of antibiotic resistance gene containing freshwater bacteria in an eco-evolutionary frame. Ref. E. Eckert
BATS-SIGNALS 2023-2025

BATS-SIGNALS 2023-2025

PRIN 2022 Project: BATS-SIGNALS: Bats signalling environmental contaminants: integration of non-invasive biomonitoring and -omics approaches. Ref. E. Ferrari and L. Garzoli
FUNACTION 2023-2026

FUNACTION 2023-2026

BIODIVERSA+ FUNACTION Aquatic FUNgal biodiversity: developing knowledge and strAtegies to inform ConservaTION priorities and measures. Ref. L. Garzoli
SUS-MIRRI 2023-2026

SUS-MIRRI 2023-2026

PNRR SUS-MIRRI.IT “Strengthening the MIRRI Italian Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Bioscience and Bioeconomy”. Ref. L. Garzoli
DEEP CHANGE 2023-2025

DEEP CHANGE 2023-2025

PRIN 2022 Project DEEP CHANGE Biodiversity conservation goes DEEP: integrating subterranean ecosystems into climate CHANGE agendas and biodiversity targets. Ref. S. Mammola
FUTURE 2023-2025

FUTURE 2023-2025

PRIN 2022 Project: FUTURE A warmer Future world: effects on plankton commUnities and paThogens in mediterranean vUlneRable Ecosystems. Ref. A Di Cesare

The MEG team

Diego Fontaneto

Diego Fontaneto

RESEARCH DIRECTOR. Travels, collects friends to travel with, gets invitations for talks to travel... and then he travels.

Gianluca Corno

Gianluca Corno

SENIOR RESEARCHER. Organizes social events, fights against bureaucracy, plays with microbes in bottles.

Ester Eckert

Ester Eckert

SENIOR RESEARCHER. Nothing came out of the experiment, here is the microbiome, I’m sure to find something...

Andrea Di Cesare

Andrea Di Cesare

SENIOR RESEARCHER. Always under extreme self imposed stress. Needs holidays but the world is lockdown...

Alejandro Martinez Garcia

Alejandro Martinez Garcia

RESEARCHER. In Vino Veritas in Whisky Vomitas, In Vino Veritas in Whisky Vomitas (nah, it is just a song!)

Stefano Mammola

Stefano Mammola

RESEARCHER. Keeps Ale and Diego calm, tries to convince all of us that spiders are very big microorganisms

Emanuele Ferrari

Emanuele Ferrari

RESEARCHER. Former neuroscientist, unsure on what he is doing at MEG: do bacteria have brain?

Laura Garzoli

Laura Garzoli

RESEARCHER. Dark MEG-mber. There are a fungus, a bat, and a crayfish.. no it’s not a joke, it’s my expertise...

Jordi Rene Mor

Jordi Rene Mor

RESEARCHER Passionate about trophic networks... in the field, in lab, markets, restaurants, festivals...

Tomasa Sbaffi

Tomasa Sbaffi

TECHNOLOGIST. I am very happy to do a job that requires little or no physical efforts...

Raffaella Sabatino

Raffaella Sabatino

TECHNOLOGIST. Every morning I arrive and I know I must extract DNA. It’s the law of the MEG!

David Brankovits

David Brankovits

TECHNOLOGIST. Dives in the dark. Brings people together. Ponders how organisms mess with the carbon cycle.

Cristiana Callieri

Cristiana Callieri

ASSOCIATE RESEARCHER. Takes care of Roberto's diet, scares students, used to love microscopy... till she met a cytometer.

Roberto Bertoni

Roberto Bertoni

ASSOCIATE RESEARCHER. Spreads knowledge, speaks Latin, knows limnology... fights to escape diets.

Gulnara Maniakova

Gulnara Maniakova

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. In Verbania in summer, winter in Milan... It is an hard life...

Sven Iburg

Sven Iburg

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. Playing with genome data (when I'm not breaking bones or getting locked up in the bathroom)

Francesco Di Nezio

Francesco Di Nezio

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. I've traded the tranquility of alpine lakes for the wild world of antimicrobial resistance

Adrià Bellvert

Adrià Bellvert

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. I enjoy working with fauna from volcanic archipelagos, but caves are essentially islands, right? Right?

Selene Chinaglia

Selene Chinaglia

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW.My job? Exploring the invisible world of fungi, discovering their incredible diversity and unveiling their hidden superpowers!

Pietro Marchese

Pietro Marchese

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW.Passionate about fungal diversity and interactions… from aquatic fungi with other swimming microbes to Boletus edulis with Oryza sativa

Zacarías Fresno López

Zacarías Fresno López

POST-GRADUATE FELLOW. Came to Verbania to learn. Then I left. Then I came back. Then I left again. And now I am back again. They must really like me.

Giuseppe Nicolosi

Giuseppe Nicolosi

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. Mapping subterranean biodiversity patterns across Europe

Fabrizio Gili

Fabrizio Gili

POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW. Embrace the night, explore until you drop. You'll sleep when you're dead, with bats flying overhead.

Ilaria Vaccarelli

Ilaria Vaccarelli

POST-GRADUATE FELLOW. I study invisible things in totally dark places.. I have a great imagination!

Veronica Nanni

Veronica Nanni

POST-GRADUATE FELLOW. If trees gave off Wifi signals, we would plant so many trees and we'd probably save the planet too.

Giulia Borgomaneiro

Giulia Borgomaneiro

PhD STUDENT. Whats next? Whats next? Whats next? Whats next? Whats next? Whats next? Whats next?

Marta García-Cobo

Marta García-Cobo

PhD STUDENT. Spanish refugee. Came for six months, let's see what happens... Came to become a doctor, let's see what happens too...

Silvia Zaupa

Silvia Zaupa

TECHNICAL ASSISTANT. Lover of my little pony, piercings, tattoos… and also insects, obviously!!!