Zacarías Fresno López
Post-graduate fellow



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+39 0323 518321 (Telephone)
National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Water Research Institute (IRSA)
Largo Tonolli 50, 28922 Verbania Pallanza, Italy

Academic career: bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from the University Rey Juan Carlos and the University of Dundee and master’s in marine sciences from the University Milano Bicocca.

Broad research interests: antibiotic resistance, stable isotopes, geographic information systems (GIS), microbial ecology, cave ecology, trophic web dynamics and anchialine ecosystems.

Projects: My current project in the MEG consists in assessing the impact of anthropogenic activities and global warming on natural communities in aquatic ecosystems. Focusing on organisms composing the “microbial loop”. I will especially invest my time characterising antibiotic-resistance genes in E. coli through the Adriatic Sea by carrying out sampling activities and subsequent analyses.

In parallel, I am working with GIS software to study the presence of anchialine pools in the Canary Islands and their biodiversity. I am also taking part in sampling campaigns on “tidal-affected environments” (anchialine caves, pools, and beaches) in the islands of Lanzarote and Monte Argentario, hoping to better understand the functioning and ecological status of these ecosystems

I am also interested in exploring the topic of my master’s thesis, “Stable isotopes as tools to study organic matter cycling and food web dynamics”. I hope that the knowledge about metagenomics and microbiology that I will acquire during my present project laces well with my interest in stable isotopes and explore them in my future career.


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