Francesca Allemanno
Post-graduate fellow



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National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Water Research Institute (IRSA)
Largo Tonolli 50, 28922 Verbania Pallanza, Italy

Broad research topics: Microscopy, flow cytometry and NGS techniques used to determine Eukariotic and bacterial community structure, beyond the antibiotic resistome composition, according to the increase of temperature.

Research interests: My research is aimed to study the effects of warming on the plankton community biodiversity, the plankton food web size-structure and the abundance of potentially pathogenic and antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Projects: At the MEG, I will investigate the effects of climate warming on Mediterranean natural plankton communities, broading from bacteria to mesozooplankton, within the PRIN project FUTURE (a warmer Future world: effects on plankton commUnities and paThogens in mediterranean vUlneRable Ecosystems).

Education: 2021: Master’s Degree in Veterinary Biotechnological Sciences, University of Studies of Milan, Milan (Italy) 

Career: 2024: Research Fellow at the MEG of the CNR-IRSA, Verbania (Italy).
2024: Research Fellow at the Veterinary Sciences Department of University of Studies of Turin, Turin (Italy).
2022-2023: Research Fellow at the Molecular Genetics Lab of Istituto Spallanzani, Rivolta d’Adda (Italy)


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